I am the louder, extroverted one in my marriage and my husband is the quieter, more agreeable type. Yes its true, apparently due to Lupus she was able to find out the sex at 7 weeks gestation. He seems to be middle class, possibly depressed due to conflicts and internal struggles *possible psychological issues*, past violent behaviorhe seems like a silent passive-aggressive-explosive type that is unstable and unsteady. Yes, there is a way to test whether bodies could be placed through the Thief Hatch with [or possibly without] breaking bones but youre not going to like it, Welcome to the Post Truth Phase of the Chris Watts Case, Exclusive Interview with the Lindstrom Couple, Proof The Third Baby Was All Chris Watts Idea, The Final Three Weeks of the Phone Data Review #2YearsAgoTodayCW, A milder separation narrative [to Shanann]. The baby was going to be named Niko, the post says. Thats what probably sealed her fate. She had a gut instinct that her husband was cheating on her and he went as far as telling her that he didnt even want the baby anymore, nor did he want Shanann.. his wife of six years. He seems more of a background you and me conquer the world type of dreamer that dates women that are into the same kinksI truly think that is what it was (lust and disillusion) and once you get a taste of someone that flips that switch so to speak it is VERY hard to turn that off. In that picture of CW in that dumb shirt SW had made (just her, the girls had *nothing* to do with it) and made him wear, hes showing his teeth but he does not seem happy. When Shanann Watts got home on the morning of August 13th at about 2 am from a business trip, she had no idea what was in front of her. Before drilling further into this question, we need to be clear about the difference between divorce and separation. Chris is an introvert. This case does offer a caution to other couples to communicate openly from both sides, whether from the side being overly controlling or the side that is crushed-in, and being controlled. By August, friends said Shanann Watts was worried about her marriage crumbling. I know Im very late on this whole case and only found out about two days ago. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. I don't really know the right words, I don't think any drug could be a reason in and of itself as a reason for murderbutdrugs do alter brain chemistry and personality, and what I think is drugs alter your moods, memory, and can cause you to take actions that you otherwise would not have.. Shannan Watts got involved with Thrive through a friend, and in a lengthy video, the pair discussed their involvement with the company and how Thrive has . Kessinger says something to same effect, that Watts wanted to sell his home, but not right away. It begins with questioning and making assumptions that Thrive was the sole reason for why Shanann was feeling sick during her pregnancy before the murders. Chris boss spoke very highly of him in the first phone interview with the CBI. Often that doesnt come across very popular, and some people dont like what they hear. It lends no pertinent information useful for anyone and its just based around, yet again, more judgment on Shanann. I do remember him mentioning to me when he first tried to introduce me to Thrive,that you needed one patch a day , and when he would hang out with me, he always wore two always wore two, Kessinger said, adding that he lost 13 pounds in 5 weeks., He, like, didnt need to sleep, Kessinger continued. But thats the question were asking. The footage shows Kessinger, who was having an affair with Watts prior to the murders, detailing their relationship in a 3 . Create a free profile to get unlimited access to exclusive videos, breaking news, sweepstakes, and more! Was most of the credit card debt racked up due the failed MLM attempts? He had policies on his kids and wife. Psychoanalyse the hell out of it and for those who believe he was in a mentally abusive relationship, have your say but the fact remains that he murdered his children. If she was this clear on flights, why wouldnt she know precisely what was going on with her pregnancy, especially since she had lupus to deal with as well. 2 personal Customers to take The THRIVE If Chris CHOOSES not to make a choice in anything ie lets watch what you want to watch eat where you want to eat go where you want to go etc that doesnt automatically make Shannan controlling, it makes Chris a boring, spineless, personalityless wimp. Shanann was absolutely obsessed with money and the finer things in life. But what was a doctors advice likely to be? Basically, it is much the same as ephedrine, the user continued, adding that it is similar to meth, and a white middle class couple in their 30s who have never done drugs might not know what the signs of being on meth are. But she didnt let up about it. He was likely introduced to the regimen through wife Shanann, who worked as a promoter and advertiser for the marketing company Le-Vel, which makes the product. Atkinson told "Good Morning America" that she was not surprised to learn that Christopher Watts had been arrested for the murders of his wife and . I think she went off of what others told her about CW and what she saw for herselfher implying judgement on him, belittling his character, controlling, making off-hand commentsa lot of that is part of her character, she was outgoing, sarcastic and opinionated, that isnt always bad. John Forbes officiating. If you like the product and use it daily, you are looking at $150 a month for the 3 basic steps. But I could be wrong. The house was brought by the Watts in April 2013 on a loan of $392,709. We can ALL agree (to some degree) that there was something off with CW and there is something we all cant seem to put our finger on when it comes to their relationship and they may have just simply been not good for each other, both with differing personalities, strengths, weaknesses and ways of handling life, setbacks, feelings, etc. Thriveclaims to be packed with over 100 premium grade vitamins, minerals, plant extracts, digestive enzymes, probiotics, antioxidants, protein, fiber and more as it bolsters energy and eases aches. He also said so, and others said so too. I didnt believe it until reading thru so very many sites and articles like these with comment sections and such. The young mother got an $80,000 job selling health supplements, and her work took her away from the family quite often, leaving Chris alone with the children at their home. Tons of couples go through this type of stuff! Address. Posted by Shanann Watts on Tuesday, June 19, 2018. On top of this, Shanann had a doctors appointment scheduled hours after her death. Chris Watts killed his pregnant wife Shanann and their two daughters Bella and Celeste in Aug. 2018. Thats bad enough in private, in a marriage, imagine what it feels like to see that on social media from your partner. I dont think he seems like much of the lovey-dovey father/husband type. Closer to 18 weeks. There are strong ideas that point in a direction (multiple directions) but I think it is going to be an accumulation of reasons that ultimately led him to lash out and commit murder. He was an average student, pretty smart. There are also a multitude of other ingredients in the patches, which well get to later. See additional information. It probably doesnt matter to those people that Shanann was controlling, and you raise a good point, did she internalize everything and wonder what she was doing wrong? Didnt she say somewhere that Chris is the one who thought a third child, hoping for a boy, would help their marriage and then she mentions to people that he now thinks Bella and Celeste are enough? Meaningful weight loss requires healthy lifestyle choices, diet and exercise, and good nutritional intake. Then the weekend she died she isnt feeling so hot. I do not own any rights to this video. The above video was posted on May 3rd. I think he did use this separation or withdrawal narrative and allowed her to once again lead the conversations and try to pry and get more information for his gain and benefitthis would allow him to gaslight, manipulate, tell her what she wanted to hear. The gender reveal party was to tell others it was a boy, I dont think she knew. FREE! Not sure if she was present for the test and got results handed to her personally or if Shanann got them sealed and later gave to her friend to set up the gender reveal. Your mind (even if it constantly runs in the background) will always be consumed with the what-ifs and know that you have this deep desire for something more and when you find someone that is of the same mindset it is really hard to switch gears and go back to what you know isnt cutting it anymore (unfortunately/unfortunate choice of words as I completely respect the sanctity of marriage and strong support SW) but I believe he just got trapped and wanted a quick way out. Interesting points made here. The pot hadnt boiled over yet. I guess what I cant get my mind around is how he moved from wanting out to strangling those little girls and his wife. But hes already confessed to murdering his wife. Shananns job and income depended on selling the idea of Thriving. Shanann Watts was an American businessperson who is a victim of murder. You feel like youre expendable. Since January 2016, Shanann was an independent representative for 'Le-vel,' a company that sells 'Thrive' health and wellness products. Nickole Atkinson, Shanann Watts' close friend and co-worker, was the one who figured out that Shanann and her daughters were missing. chris-watts-does-not-exist-you-have-been-fooled-b 1/5 Downloaded from uniport.edu.ng on February 25, 2023 by guest . For now, lets deal with Shananns intentions to Thrive-brand her baby and Thrive-promote her pregnancy and the speed of her conception. This might have been in an attempt to just glaze over their issues and not answer truthfully but to answer with half-truths. Why is it assumed that Shannan is controlling and that Chris hated it? But the tense silence of pretending everything is fine is not healthy, or helpful. Not suitable for individuals under 18 years of age. Another type of family killer to look at would be DISAPPOINTED KILLERS or people who believe they have been let down by those around themmostly their partner and children. I feel bad for as I know she knew right after the NC trip that he was cheating on her and her marriage was coming to an end. I just thank God he took the right Apparently, Shanann had sought advice from her own doctor, based on these posts: She hashtags both posts #DoctorApproved [implying but not saying directly that Thrive is approved by her doctor for pregnancy], but we see her wearing a patch so it must be, right? And he was always that way. Even Herbalife shakes are considered dodgy enough to require a doctors approval. He is allowed a small number of visitors, including a few friends, his parents, and his rumored girlfriend, Anna Nowak. Its possible Sandi knew which means the ultrasound on the 13th wasnt necessarily to determine gender. You can see a photo of Chris Watts wearing multiple patches at once here. Even when that meant videotaping her taking her kids to the ER and doctor appointments. @Mustang Sally. So why didnt Watts just get a divorce, like the district attorney said? Watts, 35, reportedly detailed the gruesome slaying of Shanann Watts in one of his prison letters - and he also revealed that he'd been thinking about killing her for "weeks." Disturbing prison letters from Chris . But the whole "act of passion" angle doesn . I think he was motivated by the insurance money. Is it safe to use while pregnant or could it actually harm the growing fetus? This is a lot of the same behavior patterns people go through when they get abortions. processed monthly Autoship orders! In the August 21 interview, conducted by phone with Colorado Bureau of Investigation Agent Kevin Koback, Kessinger discusses Watts's use of Thrive, a nutritional supplement patch that Shanann Watts sold as a Multi-Level Marketer for a company called Le-Vel. Shanann knew for months their marriage was in deep deep trouble but she also thought the 3rd pregnancy was a binder to keep Chris in her control. It is something I myself have done (not proud and definitely not in the same situation of course) but I can see where things can pile up and become hard to face or tell the truth on. If you want to take your results to an even higher level, be sure you combine your Classic THRIVE Experience or THRIVE ELITE Experience products with regular exercise, sufficient sleep and a healthy nutrition plan consisting of low-sugar and low-carb foods. Only he took them out first, because he knew he was going to end her life as soon as she got home. The word divorce comes up 35 times in the Discovery Documents and just once in the CBI Report. Apparently the same warnings applicable to Thrive are standard with another health supplement Herbalife. Did she know and if she did, when did she know? Then at autopsy it was discovered it was a boy. Maybe thats why Le-Vel appealed to her so much, everything had its time and place, and promotors could get other promotors to do their bidding and feel powerful and significant within that schema. He seems unable to make and follow through with what he leads both Shanann and Nicole K to believe. This was on a CNN site Shanann Watts was 15 weeks pregnant. Thrive patches have not been approved by the FDA for weight lossnor have they been studied, which meansno one really knows what the side effects of long-term use of these patches are. Women who post videos of how wonderful their spouse is are often hiding something or attempting to build up a weakened troubled relationship. (@ProctorStamp) October 23, 2020, RELATED: Everything To Know About Chris Watts's Rumored Affair With Trent Bolte, The Man He Met Online. Chris Watts has not been officially charged, with the deadline for them to be filed on Monday afternoon. I like your thoughts too, Holly. Answer (1 of 6): I can only speak on my own experience. Thirty One Younique Thrive It's also possible he was taking something in combination to the Thrive patches that may have been a bad combination, such as steroids? the user added. And I remember him saying he had a lot of rage when he killed Shannan. She did tho, threaten him all the time, to take the kids away and he would never see them again. I went out looking for as much information as I could, I watched a YT video from Something Criminal, S02/E02 and it narrates a good spin on the argument that CW was also creating an alternative version of his relationship with SW to his friends and family as it benefited him. A puzzle that is missing many key pieces. Yes I was the last one to see Shanann last night. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Another user was able to find a list of ingredients, which you can see here. Its often offered to moms 30 and older. The fact that Shanann was talking to a divorce lawyer about custody in April, three-and-a-half months before the murders, suggests there was a protracted period of unhappiness, and acknowledgement from both sides that things were falling apart. To protect him from what? Chris Watts told investigators that Shanann had him wear patches the company sold in videos to market them, . I still can't believe they made a movie out of . The kids were told to throw chicken nuggets at him. But it'simportant to note, as the Wall Street Journal does, thatclaims in relation to patches and weight loss are hard to prove. I knew Chris as a middle schooler and high schooler, he went to school with my kids. Not saying that is right or even completely true, I feel that this would have started whether or not SW was out of town for that long. However. Friends said she won several vacations through the company, which also paid for her Lexus. Yes, I said former brother in law, they divorced. She posted a video of herself on social media announcing the pregnancy to her husband. Watts' wife was 15 weeks pregnant. If you want to take your results to an even higher level, be sure you combine your Classic THRIVE Experience or THRIVE ELITE Experience products with regular exercise, sufficient sleep and a healthy nutrition plan consisting of low-sugar and low-carb . I mean think about she knew that NO MAN would put up with her except Chris. August 15, 2018. Not a popular opinion. Shanann Watts, 34, posted the creepy image to Facebook on August 9 . To strangle your adorable toddler?? My relationship with my ex-husband ended up terrible but we divorced and now we are with great other people! I get really frustrated with people who peddle multi level marketing crap and expect their friends and family to subsidize their lifestyle through buying crap they dont want. Heres your chance to try out the 3 Simple Steps, designed to help you fill nutritional gaps and deficiencies! They were Watts way of communicating to Kessinger what he just couldnt do with Shanann. By Olivia Jakiel Written on Oct 24, 2020. Frankie only knew the sex of the child after her death. I don't have the answers and I need to walk away from my phone right now. Watts financial situation is dire, but Le-Vels isnt. 25 Feb/23. Sofia Mendela. Separation comes up 38 times in the discovery, and 8 times [separate or separating] in the CBI Report. Watts told Ann Meadows, the realtor, on the morning the disappearance that him and Shanann hadnt gotten on for over a year. Shan'ann Cathryn Watts, born Shan'ann Rzucek was the late wife of murderer Chris Watts. In Part 4 of the full Chris Watts Interview Transcription, Chris talks about the shock of finding out Shanann was pregnant with Nico, feeling 'forced' to be in Facebook videos, Shanann Watts THRIVE job, his actions after the murders & separating his family. , diet and exercise, and others said so too the pregnancy her. 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