Aquarius has always been (since Roman times) about people across gender, age, race and class pooling resources. The sign of currency and the sharemarkets. That was a game-changer. Can I ask what you see ahead for me in my chart especially around conflict & finances which I feel all link into pluto in Capricorn. It will be 18th century property, owned by dirty money Russians, which feels the hit most according to the astrology. 02/28/22 AT 3:58 AM GMT. The sanctions against the Putin regime, the oligarchs and Russian business will have ongoing impact in all kinds of ways. If you do have anything in Taurus in your Second House of money saved and money made, you will gain. As time will reveal, the 14th December 2020 was a classic eclipse cover-up. Morning Jessica, I have been waiting for your take on the events. So many young people in the Ukrainian army and also the Russian army who have grown up in times of peace and now finding themselves in a war they dont want all because of one lone man. I am sure you know all this! Tell me, do you see any signs that this war will going to turn into a global warfare or (if not) spread to neighbouring countries? You want to move to Europe. That is why I wanted to ask about the current government. The European Union, the Euro and travel itself are so vulnerable to disruption in 2022, 2023 and COVID-19 has not gone away. World and Middle East business and financial news, Stocks, Currencies, Market Data, Research, Weather and other data. I will see if I can find it in the Astrodatabank database. 1. She importantly became part of NATO later. Youll need to skate to keep up in 2022, 2023 if you have a Scorpio chart signature. It is not a circle. What or whom you used to bargain over, may become priceless. ), as well 11 degrees Taurus descendant. This post was reassuring. Any insights you could share on what to look out for critical dates/events etc. If so, what currency should the savings be in? They began to rise on the Saturn Return and will win. My country offers now shelter for hundreds of foreign students who leave Ukraine as we speak. Now, all these years later, America is making economic sacrifices to stop the war on Ukraine. Thats LAgent in the first line you can see above. However, from 5th June 2022, when Saturn falls in backward direction in Aquarius and will become retrograde, the situation between the two nations will get tensed as Saturn is the planet of Karma and in retrograde motion it would be re-balancing the state. As we know from Ukraine and Russia, the numbers are changing overnight at the moment. The Ukraine chart shows a conflict between the President and the party, but also the EU, NATO, United Nations so its a tough year for him. It can feel very fated. This astrology chart for Russia set for 8th December 1999 at 5.06pm GMT shows the day of the biggest sharemarket collapse in Russias history. If you were born on 30th June 1964 you are a Sun Cancer person who is almost at the end of the Pluto in Capricorn cycle which began in 2008. Given its strategic position in Europe and sensitivity to Russia as an energy supplier, what are your views about Germanys involvement, if any? There is a lot of nonsense about Donald Trump making a comeback. For months you have seen Paddington Bear, Charlie Chaplin and a tank. And its unpredictable and revolutionary. It is very likely that Sweden and Finland will join NATO. The nodes always reveal what is owed, and what must be repaid. This is the time of the local elections in the United Kingdom: definitely a crossroads that the horoscope showed three years before it was ever discussed. Three different horoscopes were cast and analysed by the PowerFortunes astrologers for this. I have read this and feel much happier and safer..I was / so afraid there will be a nuclear war and I think you have not seen this happening. You have to remember that Vladimir Putin is dealing with the heavy realities of people power with Saturn in Aquarius in 2022 and the formidable strength of alliances and unity from March 2023, when Pluto goes into Aquarius. When my friends the financial astrologers Kate Silas and Olga Morales were talking about economic trends in September 2021, some alarm bells rang for me. I would be also curious about how Finland & Sweden will handle these few years. Both 1 and especially 2 will impact the market. Yet this is so so strange. That cycle absolutely rules the future of Bitcoin and the rest, and as Uranus is a symbol of revolution, rebellion, independence, upheaval and constant change, anyone who is taking a ride on that, has no guarantees. (I understand its free), Good Dates For Financial Investments In Oct 2022, First Outing Of The Baby (Nishkramana Samskara), Mercury Retrogression In Virgo (10 Sep 2 Oct). Since you have been saying many times that it is the end of money laundering, I would like to ask you about the EU initiative on a new anti-money laundering authority. This will lead to the qualities of Mars being open for utilization in the most positive manner in combination with Rahu. Transiting Neptune at 20, 21, 22 Pisces in January, February 2022 (the crucial first two months of the attack on Ukraine by Putin) aspected the 20 Taurus IC (Immum Coeli) and 20 Scorpio MC (Midheaven) of Ukraine. America and non-NATO allies like New Zealand have already won. It has already begun. I wanted to ask, if you can have a look to my chart. It is also showing up as crowdfunding, eBay, PayPal and other ways to become empowered in a world where the power has always been with the banks and politicians. On 11th April, we see that Saturn is in square position with Rahu. Okay, so Latvia has four astrological charts. Ducking and diving is a really smart move and you will gain enormously when Jupiter goes into Taurus. Thank you. Would also be interested in your thoughts on my chart date of birth 19/09/1968 London 9.30 am. You can call this year and next year the necessary detox. The True South Node is at 11 Scorpio, then, in an exact opposition to Russias difficult, heavy, fated Saturn. Russia Vs. US- The US has often hinted at Russias attempts to use trade to tie the hands of the European nations dependent on it for their energy source. Keep up the good work. It may even be the same men, reborn. Looks like your account has been deactivated. Let us understand this in more detail: Do you have any astrology-related concerns? Thank you. I was going to move to NYC shortly- could you take a look at my chart and let me know what the best time would be? You also have to remember that billions of people now on the planet were born with Uranus, Neptune or Pluto in Scorpio, so every single person will meet opposition from Uranus and/or the North Node, right across their Eighth House of joint finance. The quatrain should then be read as butins Saturn and Marswhich is correct, if we look at Tuesday 5th April 2022, when there is a conjunction between Saturn and Mars at 22 Aquarius. The country supplies one-third of Europes natural gas consumption needs. That name is not going away. Thank you. Sharlene, Saturn in Taurus in the Second House is a lifelong pattern of limitation, lessons and learning curves with money, investments, possessions and property. hi Jessica, Your country has seen it all before, though, and in fact there will be new trade deals, agreements and business ventures in 2023 which greatly help. Once that happens, we have a new country and so we set up a different astrology chart. General character. A really, really long time ago I published a prediction about a new world order which would involve New Zealand as a non-NATO ally. Yes, America still has the last dregs of Pluto in Capricorn to deal with, and that is the white male elite (and their women) clinging on to absolute power at the top of the system. We are really lucky to have President Biden and Vice-President Harris compensating for 1938. Both these planets were in the eighth house of the horoscope and were prominent even during the fall of Ukraine's pro-Moscow president. Thank you so much. The war on Ukraine could be the excuse for Putins fall. Copyright 2000 MENAFN. Your dreams are correct war has come and you have been stocking up. Be specific about what you need to know, and when. I posted this on Twitter (left) to a huge response. Finland as part of one, all or many of those groups is in a strong position. A deluded vain-glory of past empires, the death throes of Pluto in Capricorn? For Norway it will be about a revolution in leadership. Rates. All prices on this website are quoted in United States Dollars (USD). The end of Trump has been clear for years. Pluto has basically formed a conjunction with factors in your Capricorn stellium since the very start and will be there until the end. Every night I pray for Ukraine & the end of war. That is Finland and Sweden. As per Reuters, 40 Ukrainian soldiers and around 10 civilians have been killed in the attacks that began early on Thursday. Enter OTP to verify & login to your account. I am so afraid for those poor people. So devastating for them. horoscopes are based on your Vedic Moon Sign . You can see that at 35-38 minutes into the video, above. This time around the United Kingdom is facing the truth about oligarchs in Belgravia and possible Russian interference in Westminster. It has taken me aback to find these figures Paddington, tank and a comedian Chaplain like (Ukraine president was a comedian and voiced Paddington I just read) out here on the world stage. On 20 July 2021 the EU presented an idea of establishing a new authority to stop the flows of dirty money (, but since then nothing much was done. The only thing Im worried about is nuclear weapons and we all know by now that Putin is mentally sick and unstable. Jessica, not sure if this is even ok to post but here goes please. Jessica, thanks for the tip! Thats just the start. Best wishes, Simon. thank you for your detailed interpretation of this situation, it looks very down to earth. You talk about a tough slog economically for the whole world through 2026, which is frustrating after we have already been through so much uncertainty due to COVID. Just watch. Why hasnt it been shut down? It is heartbreaking as you say. I dont know anything about this and will go and see what the BBC is telling me. Saudi too. Work with Uranus in Taurus. She was born on 7th June 1905 at 11.00am CET in Oslo with Uranus (a symbol of sudden, radical change and upheaval) in Capricorn (the leadership at the top). So the issue is not refugees as much as pleasing/making peace with a dictator. So have some aspects of the longer run. You have to remember that Vladimir Putins war on Ukraine is economic. This is like asking if its a good idea to move to Berlin from London in 1938. hi Jessica, One faction was led by America while the other by USSR. The Transiting South Node at 26 Scorpio was in a conjunction with natal Mercury at 26 Scorpio. Conflict Astrology between Russia and Ukraine According to Russia Ukraine Conflict Astrology, Vladimir Putin will make certain that the citizens of Ukraine, as well as For example you may have tied yourself to Russia for years assuming it would go on forever and now it will not. This was predicted 19th January 2022 and reported by the media on 25th February 2022. This would fit with the years 2022 and 2023 which are extremely rare, hark back to 1938 and 1939, and show short-term tests for us all, financially with supply shortages, inflation but ultimately it would save the planet. A+. Only when you have time and space and take screen shots. Unity On Ukraine Is Unity On Peace And Justice Development Banks Must Embrace Nuclear Energy Zionist Project Has Always Been Colonisation And Exclusion Of Indigenous SIDBI, Showreel To Jointly Develop Digital Platform To Support Aspiring I News by Rectified times dont count, sorry. He might just do it. That posting is a lot more insightful and frankly more in-depth. What comes out of this for the U.K. will be very different, quite radical and happen very suddenly. You are a Sun Virgo with Uranus and Pluto in Virgo, so have a packed Sixth House. How do you protect yourself? Your country is ancient and has seen it all, survived and thrived. From the perspective of Ukraines chart, Mars squares Rahu on 8th April. You keep mentioning local and I know that the US is talking about its own cryptocurrency. Copyright 2023, Ivankas designer labels. What will happen, and what will affect Sweden, is supply shortages, rations and temporary breaks in the old economic system. He is an extremely weak president. Thank you. Hi Jessica, Matter of time. I suspect the karma of Russia from 1939 with the show trials will come back to Vladimir Putin in 2022, 2023. China under Xi Jinping is even more secretive and dangerous than Putin and Russia. You will be delighted with the outcome with foreign countries and foreign people by May and again October-December. On February 24th 2022, Bloomberg reported that Russian stocks fell the most on record, erasing more than $150 billion in value. She has been Pisces, Libra and now Taurus at three different stages in her history. It seems that Switzerland has even bigger role in the current situation. Regards. Why Russia and Ukraine are at war in 2022. Uranus at 17 Taurus and the lunar nodes at 17 Taurus/Scorpio in June, July and August will reshape your economy. The situation as I see no commentary on Joe Biden at all. This was published on 23rd November 2020 on this website. This combination of Yogas in Capricorn is the main reason for the war. AHO ASE AMEEN AMEN. This suggests a massive shift in the European Union and NATO in 2023, 2024, 2025 as Pluto (transformation in power) goes into Aquarius across 0, 1, 2 degrees for the first time in 240+ years. That is really interesting, because by all the laws of astrology, this time around it will be the group; the party; the collective who turn against the leader. Poland will receive funding from the West to take a large number of people from Ukraine and a new building program will commence there. Donald and Melania Trump remind me of the Evelyn Waugh novel, Decline and Fall. Not much of a system for most of us. thank you so much. As Russia commenced incursion in Kyiv on Thursday, an Indian Astrologer, who had predicted that there will be no standoff between the two conflicting nations What you are doing in Poland fits that. Thank you. Again, if she makes moves in that direction, there will be an economic war against her: trade boycott and economic sanctions. Whats happening around the world is very sad. Thank you for the update. In times of such uncertainty, I see myself divided between the countries and responsible for my family. WebThe devastating Ukraine war can be analyzed astrologically and it can be interesting to see how the planetary movements are delivering karmas on this planet earth. Others found alternative suppliers, such as Egypt which replaced wheat from Ukraine with imports from the European Union and the United States as well as Russia. Ive just started learning about cryptocurrency, which you mentioned in the blog. Your reply makes so much sense and very much appreciated. Retrograde Saturn means hurdles, delays, miseries, and obstructions and may trigger a war or, again, cause disturbances between Ukraine and Russia. How that karmic debt is repaid is likely to be through massive shifts in the EU and the Euro economy. Scanning the ephemeris for other historic (relatively rare) cycles in Taurus and/or Scorpio, the sign which rules mortgages, we find the lunar nodes there in 2022, 2023. With Ukraine keen on joining NATO, Russia wanted to ensure Ukraine never joins hands with the organization. Based on your prediction, I think I will sell before March 6th as well! After 35 years of patient care, I now travel to hospitals and educate nurses on how to use medical equipment and products. Out of curiosity, we born in late 1993 will experience this next May exclipse significantly we have pluto 25 scorpio. But, particularly, those Regency mansions. You said Putin is finished but when? The original letter is here. One very good reason for that is the massive shift with your social life, friendships, any groups you belong to/once were part of, and the community around you. Jessica Adams does not reply to every comment and her replies are on a best-efforts basis which means your comment or question may never receive a reply. 2 min read . I must say though that, on a personal level, Im now wondering if I should go ahead with buying a car if gas prices are going to skyrocket? You express yourself through your work ethic, workload, lifestyle, housework and your health and wellbeing, fitness and mental health have a direct line to your feelings about your job, studies or unpaid work at any time. Does your insight see the destruction of Neo Nazi or Azov Army in Ukraine?. Nostradamus was a clairvoyant who saw newspaper headlines, centuries into the future, in his visions. On February 24, Russia began a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, marking the largest conventional military attack in Europe since World War II. 2022 and 2023 will not be easy, but we will get through this. Will we possibly see Boris Johnson & co post May 2022 be dragged into Putins hearing at the Hague if/when hes tried for war crimes. You really need to look at Russias friends and allies to finger the money laundering in Sydney. Such an overall reassuring post Jessica, thank you . land for sale in forest hill, tx, Is supply shortages, rations and temporary breaks in the old economic system be about a revolution leadership. Not much of a system for most of us of ways a deluded vain-glory of past,... Utilization in the current situation fated Saturn your reply makes so much sense and very appreciated. Will win no commentary on Joe Biden at all attacks that began early on.... And a new country and so we set up a different astrology for! 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