Dora. What's come ob de child? Because I heard that you had traduced my character. Mrs. P.You are out early this morning, George. Git away dere! New York, NY, Accessibility Statement Terms Privacy |StageAgent 2020. Top Quadroon And Octoroon Quotes. McClosky intercepts a young slave boy, Paul, who is bringing a mailbag to the house which contains a letter from one of Judge Peyton's old debtors. Dear George, you now see what a miserable thing I am. Hillo! Pete, speak to the red-skin. I don't like that man. Enjoy reading and share 7 famous quotes about Boucicault The Octoroon with everyone. Scud. What? Isn't he sweet! Nothing; but you must learn what I thought you already knew. that's right. Pete. Pete. Pete. M'Closky. Why, with principal and interest this debt has been more than doubled in twenty years. ", Zoe. Yes, Mas'r George, dey was born here; and old Pete is fonder on 'em dan he is of his fiddle on a Sunday. "Judgment, 40,000, 'Thibodeaux against Peyton,'"---surely, that is the judgment under which this estate is now advertised for sale---[takes up paper and examines it]; yes, "Thibodeaux against Peyton, 1838." The buyers gather to take away the slaves they have purchased on a steamship. *Enter*Wahnotee,R.;they are all about to rush on him. Work! No other cause to hate---to envy me---to be jealous of me---eh? Silence in the court; stand back, let the gentlemen of the jury retire, consult, and return their verdict. Don't b'lieve it, Mas'r George,---no. This gal and them children belong to that boy Solon there. No, I'm the skurriest crittur at a fight you ever see; my legs have been too well brought up to stand and see my body abused; I take good care of myself, I can tell you. Eight hundred agin, then---I'll go it. Dido. That's just what you must do, and do it at once, or it will be too late. Darn his copper carcass, I've got a set of Irish deck-hands aboard that just loved that child; and after I tell them this, let them get a sight of the red-skin, I believe they would eat him, tomahawk and all. 1, Solon, a guess boy, and good waiter.". Mr. Scudder, I've listened to a great many of your insinuations, and now I'd like to come to an understanding what they mean. [Wakes.] George. I'll put the naughty parts in French. We got the horses saddled, and galloped down the shell road over the Piney Patch; then coasting the Bayou Lake, we crossed the long swamps, by Paul's Path, and so came home again. Mrs. P.George, you are incorrigible. shall we have one law for the red-skin and another for the white? [Aside.] Dora. Yes, for I'd rather be black than ungrateful! Paul. [Weeping.] Poor little Paul---poor little nigger! [Sits. If you want a quarrel---. I must operate and take my own likeness too---how debbel I do dat? M'Closky. Ain't that a cure for old age; it kinder lifts the heart up, don't it? Zoe. He is incapable of any but sincere and pure feelings---so are you. M'Closky. [Wrenches it from him.] Have I slept upon the benefits I received, and never saw, never felt, never knew that I was forgetful and ungrateful? Zoe. There's no chance of it. The word octoroon signifies a person of one-eighth African ancestry. Lafouche. But out it flew, free for everybody or anybody to beg, borrow, or steal. ], M'Closky. George. [*Exit*Mrs. Peyton*and*George,L.U.E.] A slave! | Contact Us Ratts. Dora. Dat's me---yer, I'm comin'---stand around dar. forgive your poor child. Something forcing its way through the undergrowth---it comes this way---it's either a bear or a runaway nigger. We are catching fire forward; quick, set free from the shore. George. [R. C.] Pardon me, madam, but do you know these papers? Look here, the boy knows and likes me, Judge; let him come my way? Not lawful---no---but I am going to where there is no law---where there is only justice. M'Closky. Hold on now, Jacob; we've got to figure on that---let us look straight at the thing. Scudder. You blow, Mas'r Scudder, when I tole you; dere's a man from Noo Aleens just arriv' at de house, and he's stuck up two papers on de gates; "For sale---dis yer property," and a heap of oder tings---and he seen missus, and arter he shown some papers she burst out crying---I yelled; den de corious of little niggers dey set up, den de hull plantation children---de live stock reared up and created a purpiration of lamentation as did de ole heart good to har. why don't you do it? Come, cheer up, old friend. If I must die, give me up to the law; but save me from the tomahawk. Stop! Sunny. Dora. he's coming this way, fighting with his Injiun. Scud. Why, I was dreaming---curse it! What, on Terrebonne! Dion Boucicault. Ratts. Is it on such evidence you'd hang a human being? D'ye hear that, Jacob? Point. Ha, ha!---[Calls.] Excuse me; one of the principal mortgagees has made the demand. Dido. We work. Brightness will return amongst you. George. Alex Tizon, To one who waits, all things reveal themselves so long as you have the courage not to deny in the darkness what you have seen in the light. If she ain't worth her weight in sunshine you may take one of my fingers off, and choose which you like. The house of Mason Brothers, of Liverpool, failed some twenty years ago in my husband's debt. Sunny. Hold your tongue---it must. Eleven hundred---going---going---sold! Dora. He said so---then I rose up, and stole from the house, and ran down to the bayou; but its cold, black, silent stream terrified me---drowning must be so horrible a death. EnterSolon*andDidowith coffee-pot, dishes, &c.,*R.U.E. Dido. Down with him! Irish - Dramatist December 26, 1822 - September 18, 1890. for, darn me, if I can find out. You say the proceeds of the sale will not cover his debts. [Exit, with a low, wailing, suffocating cry,L.U.E. *EnterM'Closky, Lafouche, Jackson, Sunnyslde,and*Pointdexter,R.U.E. Point. Boucicaults The Octoroon famous quotes & sayings: Ivan Glasenberg: We work. I'm on you like a painter, and when I'm drawed out I'm pizin. Brian Tracy, How you look at a situation is very important, for how you think about a problem may defeat you before you ever do anything about it. O, let all go, but save them! Scud. Scud. Who's you to set up screching?---be quiet! I bring you news; your banker, old Lafouche, of New Orleans, is dead; the executors are winding up his affairs, and have foreclosed on all overdue mortgages, so Terrebonne is for sale. Zoe, the more I see of George Peyton the better I like him; but he is too modest---that is a very impertinent virtue in a man. Sunny. If you haven't spoiled her, I fear I have. [*To*Zoe.] Zoe!---she faints! George. I will! Cum, for de pride of de family, let every darky look his best for the judge's sake---dat ole man so good to us, and dat ole woman---so dem strangers from New Orleans shall say, Dem's happy darkies, dem's a fine set of niggars; every one say when he's sold, "Lor' bless dis yer family I'm gwine out of, and send me as good a home.". Paul and Wahnotee arrive back with the mailbags and play around with the camera. Mrs. P.Why didn't you mention this before? Pete, tell Miss Zoe that we are waiting. Jacob, your accuser is that picter of the crime---let that speak---defend yourself. It ain't no use now; you got to gib it up! George says he can "overcome the obstacle" (43), but Zoe protests that they cannot be together. Scud. The Octoroon is appropriately considered a sensation drama, though it received the label retrospectively. Enjoy the best Branden Jacobs-Jenkins Quotes at BrainyQuote. [Advances.] [Pete holds lantern up.] Paul. Mas'r George---ah, no, sar---don't buy me---keep your money for some udder dat is to be sold. No; Wahnotee is a gentle, honest creature, and remains here because he loves that boy with the tenderness of a woman. Now, it ain't no use trying to get mad, Mas'r Scudder. I am his love---he loves an Octoroon. It concerns the residents of a Louisiana plantation called Terrebonne, and sparked debates about the abolition of slavery and the role of theatre in politics. The Octoroon Important Quotes 1. Born here! So it is here, in the wilds of the West, where our hatred of crime is measured by the speed of our executions---where necessity is law! The sun is rising. [They get on table.]. clar out! I hope it will turn out better than most of my notions. There is a gulf between us, as wide as your love, as deep as my despair; but, O, tell me, say you will pity me! Go and try it, if you've a mind to. Yonder the boy still lurks with those mail-bags; the devil still keeps him here to tempt me, darn his yellow skin. No, the love I speak of is not such as you suppose,---it is a passion that has grown up here since I arrived; but it is a hopeless, mad, wild feeling, that must perish. You made her life too happy, and now these tears will be. Come, Zoe, don't be a fool; I'd marry you if I could, but you know I can't; so just say what you want. give me the rest that no master but One can disturb---the sleep from which I shall awake free! Ratts. Zoe. [Aside.] One hundred thousand bid for this mag---. The murder is captured on Scudder's photographic apparatus. When I travelled round with this machine, the homely folks used to sing out, "Hillo, mister, this ain't like me!" [Draws knife.] Pete. there's that noise again! Dora! I brought half this ruin on this family, with my all-fired improvements. ZOE played by an octoroon actress, a white actress, a quadroon actress, a biracial actress, a multi-racial actress, or an actress of color who can pass as an octoroon. Do you mean that I'm a pig? *] What a good creature she is. Do I? [*Aside to*Mrs. Point. George. Wahnotee? I have a restorative here---will you poor it in the glass? [To Jackson.] Make an argument for each side of the slavery argument here, analyzing how the play could be read as both anti- and pro-slavery. the rat's out. George, you know not what you say. We tought dat de niggers would belong to de ole missus, and if she lost Terrebonne, we must live dere allers, and we would hire out, and bring our wages to ole Missus Peyton. No, sar; but dem vagabonds neber take de 'specable straight road, dey goes by de swamp. Mrs. P.Why, George, I never suspected this! [Knocks.] Mr. M'Closky has bid twenty-five thousand dollars for the Octoroon. Now's your time, sar. [Solon goes down and stands behind Ratts.] Then, as I knelt there, weeping for courage, a snake rattled beside me. [Sits,R.], Dora. What's the matter, Ratts? I tell ye dar's somebody in dar. M'Closky. What am goin' to cum ob us! Then I will go to the Red Light or the Monte Carlo and dance the floor afire. E.---Wahnotefollows him.---Screams outside. What, you won't, won't ye? [*Takes Indian's tomahawk and steals to*Paul. I must keep you, Captain, to the eleven hundred. Dat wakes him up. [Wahnotee*runs on, pulls down apron---seesPaul,lying on ground--- speaks to him---thinks he's shamming sleep---gesticulates and jabbers--- goes to him---moves him with feet, then kneels down to rouse him---to his horror finds him dead---expresses great grief---raises his eyes--- they fall upon the camera---rises with savage growl, seizes tomahawk and smashes camera to pieces, then goes toPaul---expresses grief, sorrow, and fondness, and takes him in his arms to carry him away.--- Tableau.*]. Ho! [*Takes fan from*Minnie.] Now it's cooking, laws mussey, I feel it all inside, as if it was at a lottery. I tell ye, 't'ain't so---we can't do it---we've got to be sold---, Pete. if I stop here, I shall hug her right off. Guess they nebber was born---dem tings! Hole yer tongue, Dido. I wish they could sell me! [Throws mail bags down and sits on them,L. C.] Pret, now den go. You see how easily I have become reconciled to my fate---so it will be with you. I fetch as much as any odder cook in Louisiana. No; a weakness, that's all---a little water. Dora. What's he doing; is he asleep? Yours, &c, James Brown." Search him, we may find more evidence. Gen'l'men, my colored frens and ladies, dar's mighty bad news gone round. Peyton.] I must be going---it is late. [Rising.] O, get out. Scud. Not a bale. George. Zoe. In comparison, a quadroon would have one quarter African ancestry and a mulatto for the most part has historically implied half African ancestry. Can't be ober dar an' here too---I ain't twins. Yes---me and Co.---we done it; but, as you were senior partner in the concern, I reckon you got the big lick. he's allers in for it. M'Closky. this infernal letter would have saved all. Scud. [Calls off.] Come, Mr. Thibodeaux, a man has a chance once in his life---here's yours. must I learn from these poor wretches how much I owed, how I ought to pay the debt? Ratts. He can fight though he's a painter; claws all over. If you would pardon the abruptness of the question, I would ask you, Do you think the sincere devotion of my life to make yours happy would succeed? Pete. laws a massey! I've got hold of the tail of a rat---come out. Hillo! Hillo! I also feel that demonstrations wouldn't go on unless there is a TV camera. Yes! M'Closky. where am I? ha---git out! Zoe. In a few hours that man, my master, will come for me; he has paid my price, and he only consented to let me remain here this one night, because Mrs. Peyton promised to give me up to him to-day. Hold on yere, George Peyton; you sit down there. Hark! We must excuse Scudder, friends. is this true?---no, it ain't---darn it, say it ain't. You don't see Zoe, Mr. Sunnyside. Top, you varmin! Mrs. Pey. Why don't he speak?---I mean, you feared I might not give you credit for sincere and pure feelings. Work, Zoe, is the salt that gives savor to life. Thib. my dear, dear father! Away with him---put him down the aft hatch, till we rig his funeral. Come, Miss Dora, let me offer you my arm. It's soooo dark. Gentlemen, we are all acquainted with the circumstances of this girl's position, and I feel sure that no one here will oppose the family who desires to redeem the child of our esteemed and noble friend, the late Judge Peyton. I thought I heard the sound of a paddle in the water. Ah! Sunny. [Aside to Sunnyside.] Scud. Point. Enjoy reading and share 14 famous quotes about Boucicaults The Octoroon with everyone. Scud. I give him back the liberty he bestowed upon me; for I can never repay him the love he bore his poor Octoroon child, on whose breast his last sigh was drawn, into whose eyes he looked with the last gaze of affection. Then buy the hands along with the property. You begged me to call this morning. He's too fond of thieving and whiskey. Listen to me. Just click the "Edit page" button at the bottom of the page or learn more in the Quotes submission guide. Scud. Point. Sorry I can't help you, but the fact is, you're in such an all-fired mess that you couldn't be pulled out without a derrick. Mrs. Claiborne Miss Clinton. George, you may without a blush confess your love for the Octoroon! And twenty thousand bid. how sad she looks now she has no resource. Scud. Raits. dem tings---dem?---getaway [*makes blow at the*Children.] Zoe. M'Closky. "All right," says the judge, and away went a thousand acres; so at the end of eight years, Jacob M'Closky, Esquire, finds himself proprietor of the richest half of Terrebonne---. George. Twelve thousand. Ha, ha! [Wahnotee*raises apron and runs off,*L.U.E.Paul*sits for his picture---M'Closkyappears from*R.U.E.]. George, dear George, do you love me? Bah! Darn that girl; she makes me quiver when I think of her; she's took me for all I'm worth. [Rushes onM'Closky---M'Closkydraws his knife.]. You ign'ant Injiun, it can't hurt you! Darn it, when I see a woman in trouble, I feel like selling the skin off my back. Dido. No, no---life is good for young ting like you. I'll have her, if it costs me my life! what a bright, gay creature she is! [Pause.] The New York Times noted 'its striking merits as a sensational drama' Picter of the jury retire, consult, and do it -- -we 've got to be sold --,! 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