msg selection board 2021

Promptly report any Marine eligible for this board who is the subject of completed disciplinary action (by military or civilian authorities) not previously reported on earlier fitness reports. 6276 4 20160701 NA 20170201 NA 20170801 20030714 A full written justification for the recommendation to withhold or revoke the Marine's promotion must be forwarded via the chain of command to arrive at the CMC (MMPR-2) no later than 30 days after receipt of this MARADMIN. In accordance with reference (j), Marines who did not conduct a combat fitness test prior to 4 December 2020 received a class 9, combat waiver due to COVID-19. 5811 5 20151201 20060606 20151201 20070702 20160201 20070611 Russell P 3043/ 149/U87 Russell SG 0241/ 135/115 Reference (f), MARADMIN 408/19, supersedes previous ECFC Program MARADMINS and provides information regarding enlisted active duty service limits and high year tenure. Conlon RJ 2336/ 416/15L Cook TH 6276/ 91/1TK Landers BD 0491/ 214/732 Lane RJ 2891/ 307/1XC February Closed: 39 / 164 24% 2862 34 20151201 20060918 20161001 20070918 20170501 20090921 Monthly promotions will be announced by separate Marine Administrative Messages (MARADMIN). Jacob KJ 6591/ 601/V6B Jansen PJ 6019/ 81/1JN 4133 1 20161201 20001106 20170701 NA 20170901 NA . Comparison of previous year selection rate. 15.b.4. Hayes DJ 3112/ 638/1Y9 Hayes JT 0699/ 435/KE2 Fax Material to Comm: (703) 784-9884 or DSN: 278-9884 Hubbert JW 0111/ 347/1J0 Hugoboom AR 2659/ 809/TVZ Ramos JA 0321/ 31/SGP Ramosdiaz HO 0491/ 41/15E Williams JD 5959/ 241/C89 Williams LH 0699/ 661/1EN 6256 1 20150201 20040920 20150201 NA 20170101 20060404 DSN: 278-9712/9713 Standridge BA 8999/ 419/U18 Surozenski RM 8999/ 560/VFE 2. Curiel Jr F 8412/ 726/964 Curotto EG 0861/ 204/1NF The MBS is a tool and is not considered the official source documentation. These Marines will compete on the following year's board, if eligible. Tucei KM 8999/ 840/1JZ Tucker MR 8999/ 637/V33 Prefab Homes. The tentative allocations, zones, and AFADBD cutoffs are identified below. Alvarez EE 8999/ 680/R22 Anciso Jr E 8999/ 769/VMC Commandant of the Marine Corps (MMPR-2) By Name Lists for CY 2021. MSGID/GENADMIN/CMC WASHINGTON DC MRA MM// Vargas W 0111/ 466/KES Vasquez G 7011/ 165/023 Marines who were considered and not selected may contact the Enlisted Career Counseling and Evaluation Section (MMRP-50) to gain insight on improving their competitiveness and to receive an evaluation of their official military personnel file. 7.a.6. 6323 7 20161001 20070205 20171001 20081027 20181001 20090623 3.a. Morris III WG 8999/ 629/R08 Mota V 8999/ 674/HC1 Gayheart JE 6019/ 122/VLD George SA 4591/ 846/JBG 4421 5 20170501 20100823 20170601 NA 20180601 20120515 Lucio Jr EC 0699/ 645/V37 Lucker CM 2336/ 741/1MX 6672 22 20171001 20090526 20180101 NA 20181001 20110808 6432 6432 6469 6469 6483 6483 13.a. In the continuing effort to demystify the selection board process and clear up any misperceptions as to who is actually being selected for promotion, demographic data for the FY 2021 First Sergeant and Master Sergeant Selection Board will post to the Promotion Branch web site within 3 days from the date of this MARADMIN. Hernandez LA 8999/ 581/V22 Hood MC 8999/ 810/1RV Oliver JB 0699/ 375/938 Olson RJ 0231/ 51/QAT If an erroneous selection is found, forward naval correspondence to the CMC (MMPR-2) within 10 days of receipt of this MARADMIN detailing the circumstances. Meser CM 2691/ 767/1F5 Messina AB 5993/ 837/992 Material submitted without a cover letter, unsigned, or received after 2359, EDT on 9 April 2021 will not be submitted to the board. 2023 and January 2024 and wanted to urge the board to reconsider. Lainezvalleci JE 0111/ 499/080 Lakian CS 0111/ 517/027 Website:, click on "Promotion Branch (MMPR)" 11. Harry Lee Hall Santo SP 0699/ 654/988 Sapienza KP 3043/ 327/1JH Tributino JC 1169/ 356/124 Tucei JR 6042/ 681/143 4421 3 20160301 NA 20170201 20040809 20171201 20040809 0639 31 20160702 NA 20170601 20110808 20180101 20110404 Terrell JR 8412/ 662/998 Terry CD 5831/ 362/023 6288 2 20171101 NA 20181101 NA NA NA Fierimonte JS 2336/ 428/1MR Fitzpatrick MB 6694/ 718/QAJ However, Marines should be aware that U.S. Mail, priority mail and next day U.S. mail is not delivered directly to Harry Lee Hall. Marcussen CH 2691/ 433/175 Marple NJ 7314/ 17/1J3 Note: Marijuana use is still illegal as per federal law. 2651 2651 2862 2862 2874 2874 Per references (f) and (g), Marines who must and have requested transfer to the FMCR due to ECFC or service limits may request special promotion consideration via correspondence to CMC, Manpower Management Separation and Retirement, Active Duty Retirement Section (MMSR-2). Bradley KL 6391/ 256/VM6 Brady KM 7291/ 189/045 The deadline to ensure that all Marine Corps Total Force System (MCTFS) and Official Military Personnel File (OMPF) related information is up-to-date is no later than 2359, EDT on 19 April 2021. Quantico, VA 22134-5103 5953 2 20180101 NA 20180701 NA NA NA 6123 1 20161001 NA 20171101 NA 20181001 20110725 Rose JS 3537/ 276/K20 Ross KA 0699/ 598/SR2 6227 6227 6252 6252 6256 6256 NAME IMOS/SRNO/MCC NAME IMOS/SRNO/MCC 12. Gates LA 8999/ 850/036 Gonzalez RF 8999/ 512/1NB 3. 3043 47 20161101 20090121 20171101 20090511 20180101 20110321 Cotto H 0372/ 478/TL8 Crespin WS 1833/ 589/H82 2111 2111 2131 2131 2141 2141 Hayward JM 2336/ 703/KES Hengst DL 0111/ 413/JBF Cain SM 8999/ 749/V33 Cardenas LJ 8999/ 722/1Y8 OMPF Document Submission Guidelines. The Marine must personally sign the cover letter. Operations Officer, DSN: 278-3950 Jones AR 8999/ 701/1MZ Jones JN 8999/ 539/027 Galowitch JR 0491/ 562/1MT Gamez MA 1391/ 753/091 These Marines will be considered in the MOS/IMOS for which the lateral move has been approved. Tate III T 8999/ 754/1CN Tholen SJ 8999/ 803/19F 6492 2 20160501 NA 20170101 NA 20171001 NA Remind Marines to prepare for their board prior to deployment. 5959 5 20160401 20050627 20160801 NA 20170301 NA Ensure all reporting officials comply with the fitness report timelines noted in reference (e). Congratulations to the selected Master Sergeants-and their families! 6842 6842 7011 7011 7041 7041 Brea FA 0231/ 172/TSJ Britten BA 2691/ 816/174 5939 5939 5948 5948 5951 5951 Martinez Jr E 3537/ 62/K46 Mason DG 1169/ 339/1EH Manriquez JL 8412/ 50/961 Manzi LG 8412/ 688/967 Nivar Jr JL 0111/ 498/902 Nokes DK 0231/ 160/1MT 17 Lejeune Road 6672 16 20160901 20020102 20171101 20040419 20171201 NA Smalls LD 2311/ 132/093 Smith AM 1371/ 133/193 Ayala D 8412/ 187/922 Baduske SM 5811/ 414/1SG Jimenez RA 8999/ 580/1NG Johnson KL 8999/ 535/1GD Broadstreet CG 0491/ 209/1C1 Brodmerkel KR 8412/ 543/926 Hernandez MS 0491/ 653/1MR Hernandez Jr D 0111/ 387/1MZ 6317 6317 6323 6323 6324 6324 JAN-21 FEB-21 MAR-21 APR-21 MAY-21 JUN-21 JUL-21 AUG-21 SEP-21 OCT-21 NOV-21 DEC-21 AGR-USAR Sr. NCO Sequence . Personal correspondence Receipt Verification. Chaconvaldez O 2891/ 273/KES Chambers CP 0393/ 151/1GS Valdez Jr GA 0699/ 585/012 Valencia MC 0411/ 788/121 REF/B/MSGID:DOC/CMC MMPR-2/14JUN2012// Additionally, the commanding officer will promptly audit the electronic service record of the Marines on the select list, and will report within 10 days of receipt of the selection message to the CMC (MMPR-2) via correspondence all instances where the Marine: 3381 16 20160901 NA 20170901 20040809 20171101 20011128 Mckinley JE 8999/ 827/1PR Medina ML 8999/ 679/038 Sorrell CR 1833/ 646/19E Soto C 2659/ 591/1G0 13.b.2.d. 19. 0699 49 20161201 NA 20170801 20050110 20171001 20020420 call us toll-free at 866-200-9657 or send us a message at [email protected] Start building your dream with a pole building kit in . Rodriguez JR 3044/ 724/016 Rodriguez M 0699/ 711/1Y3 Mcglew TJ 2336/ 427/1YB Mcgregor TJ 3381/ 394/015 Roberts EH 6391/ 100/V6B Rodelas M 0699/ 633/1GR Harris GZ 2659/ 440/1F5 Harris Jr BL 3043/ 275/1G9 2147 3 20151101 20070122 20160702 NA 20170702 NA OMPF Customer Service, DSN: 278-3906/3907/5640 Paragraph 1100.29 and chapter 3 of reference (d) apply. Johnson TM 5831/ 298/1FN Jones FL 6391/ 250/V6A Chavira IV J 0111/ 183/1CC Cheasty MS 1833/ 664/TZ7 6326 23 20151101 20060213 20180701 20090824 20181201 NA Crockett AP 0699/ 621/1G0 Crone ZS 7236/ 104/1PV Sanabria CJ 6591/ 515/H22 Sanchez MA 0869/ 829/1NE It is consistently one of the 10 most popular websites ranked by Similarweb and formerly Alexa; as of 2022, Wikipedia . The Marines listed in paragraph 3 were selected from the Intended Military Occupational Specialty (IMOS) tables listed in MARADMINS 481/20, 529/20, and 587/20. Brooks SM 4591/ 704/023 Brooks T 6672/ 263/142 3537 53 20160702 NA 20161001 20080519 20171001 20080908 Avila JD 0491/ 197/1V1 Avilamartinez JA 3529/ 287/SP2 Straws JR 1371/ 382/1CQ Stromain BM 0411/ 397/1CM Bartley JL 6019/ 109/VM3 Bateman AA 0411/ 399/U87 Provens CF 8999/ 624/SMU Ramson JA 8999/ 826/SHL Website:, click on "Promotion Branch (MMPR)" 0511 3 20171101 20090817 20171201 NA 20181001 20100524 13. 17 Lejeune Road All staff sergeants who have been properly recommended for Accelerated Promotion on fitness reports with periods ending between 27 August 2020 through 19 April 2021 will be considered for Accelerated Promotion by the selection board. Marines who are required to transfer to the FMCR due to declining Permanent Change of Station (PCS) orders, or who have declined to reenlist/extend to carry out PCS or Unit Deployment Program (UDP) orders, are not eligible for promotion consideration. No further exceptions will be entertained. 0241 3 20151101 20010724 20160702 20060306 20160702 NA 7.a.5. Paragraphs 3100.3 and 3602.5 of reference (d) apply. 10.b. 0679 30 20170401 NA 20180101 20100601 20180601 20110912 6316 3 20180201 NA 20181001 NA 20181101 NA Includes Active Component, AGR, and USAR promotion lists. Assist eligible Marines in correcting incomplete fitness reports and/or correction to Fitness Reports in accordance with the procedures outlined in chapter 8 and Appendix I of reference (e). To submit documents for inclusion into the OMPF or questions concerning the OMPF. Thompson JM 6842/ 316/JAD Thompson Jr MR 0211/ 25/142 Morgan Jr JD 0699/ 288/1G9 Morrison ML 3537/ 328/1Y5 Additionally, Marines are encouraged to review their Master Brief Sheet (MBS) to ensure their PME completion is reflected. Fowler CC 8999/ 163/R19 Fuentes CA 8999/ 386/1JZ Quantico VA 22134-5104 REF G, MCO 1900.16 W/CH 2, SEPARATION AND RETIREMENT MANUAL (MARCORSEPMAN). Soto RR 1169/ 392/B65 Spaniel III GF 0699/ 317/D10 Odom JD 0111/ 541/013 Oelrich JL 6391/ 267/T9B Ensure each eligible Marine within your command is notified of their promotion eligibility. 0211 10 20130101 20000530 20141001 NA 20151001 20030310 Comm: (703) 784-9324, DSN: 278-9324 E-Mail: 2147 2147 2161 2161 2171 2171 Osborn II PJ 1833/ 620/069 Owens JF 2149/ 455/1Y8 As announced by reference (a), The FY 2021 Gunnery Sergeant (GySgt) Selection Board will convene on Tuesday, 20 April 2021 at Harry Lee Hall, Marine Corps Base, Quantico, VA, for a period of up to 8 weeks. REF E, MCO 1610.7A, PERFORMANCE EVALUATION SYSTEM (PES). Zolotas CM 8412/ 549/990 Zuehl AJ 0699/ 675/1XC 5974 1 20180701 20110808 20180401 NA NA NA Torres AZ 0111/ 492/T1A Torres JF 7212/ 474/1EG 6287 2 20160501 NA 20181101 20110418 20181101 NA Some of the rooms embody discussions about politics, science, information, religion, and extra. Lilly II CL 6019/ 70/1HL Lineberry MJ 7011/ 431/H99 Castaneda DE 0372/ 421/1MR Castilblanco FJ 3432/ 501/1CF Lynn Jr GB 0231/ 176/U18 Lytle JL 1799/ 446/H99 Late submission of requests for consideration based on prior service will be filed without action. Matt Knigge August 23, 2021. 0111 48 20160201 20040517 20170201 20041018 20171101 20030825 6336 3 20161001 NA 20180701 NA NA NA Has been designated "no further service" for any of the reasons listed in paragraphs 1204.4.ff and of reference (b). In accordance with reference (c), any Marine selected for promotion by the FY21 SgtMaj through MSgt selection board must have at least 24-months of obligated service remaining on contract. Rogers AP 0861/ 208/1S8 Rojaschavez VM 0111/ 520/017 2.a. Klco AR 1833/ 824/19F Kley CD 0111/ 459/080 Understanding that some Marines may require additional support to prepare for their board, encourage Marines to contact the CMC (MMRP-50) for assistance for assistance prior to the convene date of the board. Krile EA 8412/ 323/JAA Kronenberg JM 4591/ 479/082 Nash SC 6276/ 425/B31 Naukam BD 2691/ 444/818 NARR/REF A, MARADMIN 336/20, FY21 STAFF NONCOMMISSIONED OFFICER (SNCO) PROMOTION BOARD SCHEDULE AND POLICIES. Rivera FA 7051/ 181/090 Rivera JM 0491/ 574/KA0 Classified information will not be viewed by the board without the request from the Marine in the form of a letter to the President of the selection board. Pastora Jr CR 0491/ 576/1F7 Patrick DM 3537/ 313/1NA MARADMIN 084/21 3. 6217 2 20150201 20050227 20150201 20061204 20151001 NA 6591 26 20161001 20080211 20171201 20090720 20181001 20100726 In accordance with reference (c), any Marine selected for promotion by the FY21 SgtMaj through MSgt selection board must have at least 24-months of obligated service remaining on contract beginning on the date of their promotion. Applicants should expect to receive a notification via email with their WOCS class date from the Human Evans JL 0681/ 53/1C1 Evans MJ 6391/ 223/VR1 A simple contact sort might be probably the most amount of help you'll get from the location householders. Brown TK 0699/ 594/V25 Brown WJ 0491/ 210/1US E-mail: REF C, MARADMIN 663/16, EXEMPTION TO ENLISTED PROFESSIONAL MILITARY EDUCATION POLICY FOR MARINES SERVING ON SPECIAL DUTY ASSIGNMENTS. Balcazar MA 6672/ 351/462 Balderas D 8412/ 381/JAA Obtaining and Reviewing the OMPF. Covering Phoenix, Mesa, Glendale, Scottsdale, Gilbert, the valley . Salinas CM 0451/ 77/1Y1 Sampson DA 8412/ 67/924 Paredes JM 0111/ 166/1EE Park AS 4821/ 627/124 Densford SB 5769/ 779/15C Diaz A 6672/ 475/1JN 0161 4 20161101 20061016 20180201 20080602 20181201 NA column A to column B. 4821 20 20151001 20060911 20171001 20080527 20181001 20110118 There are a couple of areas of the net site which could be particularly for registered customers. 9. Regular Army (RA) List. Barrow DJ 1349/ 603/1Y8 Bartko MM 6672/ 823/G91 Busker GD 1371/ 320/J33 Busse RB 2691/ 429/175 5. 12.d. Delgado JA 0111/ 491/1MY Deltorofranco H 0111/ 486/041 Select from the links below for the specific month and year where you can download your promotion orders, by name list, and the sequence number report. Lago J 2336/ 642/1K2 Lahmon Jr AD 2336/ 45/014 This MARADMIN is not applicable to the Marine Corps Reserve. MILPER MESSAGE 21-044, SUPPLEMENT TO FISCAL YEAR 21 (FY21) NONCOMMISSIONED OFFICER (NCO) EVALUATION BOARDS (MONTHLY PROMOTION SELECTION POLICY), ISSUED: [2/4/2021 1:15:24 PM]. Hayes TW 8999/ 650/068 Henderson JJ 8999/ 763/1QN Flor MA 8999/ 182/TSR Flores R 8999/ 800/129 Filed with the Iowa Utilities Board on March 1, 2023, HLP-2021-0001. REF/F/MSGID: MSG/CMC/231303ZJUL19// Personal Responsibilities. 0861 14 20161201 20090413 20170501 20090831 20170601 NA Be advised that OMPF material sent directly to the President of the board does not become part of a Marine's OMPF. Sanders GT 0869/ 96/1NA Sandoval MA 1349/ 304/1XJ A 12-button keypad has three columns and four row. 6338 9 20171101 NA 20181001 NA 20181201 NA Beckman AR 3432/ 819/J15 Bedell C 3043/ 325/015 3051 6 20151101 NA 20170402 NA 20171001 20020325 But to this day, persons are nonetheless utilizing Second Life to grasp out, talk, or just Refer to paragraph 3102.3 of reference (d). Hawkins JA 0231/ 44/1K2 Hayden JG 2691/ 449/U18 REF K, MARADMIN 260/20, FORTH COMING CHANGES TO MCO 1400.32D, MARINE CORPS PROMOTION MANUAL, VOLUME 2, ENLISTED PROMOTIONS. Coker JR 6694/ 778/J34 Cole ER 3051/ 406/023 Martin DF 0411/ 835/124 Martinez AT 3043/ 154/961 13.b.2. Marines are reminded that any additions or deletions from their OMPF or MBS within the 12-month window should also be verified to ensure the accuracy and completeness of their record. 12. REF/A/MSGID:MSG/CMC/191450ZDEC16// Smith Jr SD 6694/ 611/1JN Smitherman CG 2691/ 812/842 Must have a BASD of 19981202 to later and a date of birth (DOB) of 19961206 or later. Garcia GD 1799/ 211/1G9 Garcia MC 0699/ 740/R22 Comm: (703) 784-9717/9719 or Bolduc SM 0231/ 157/115 Bonami LI 0211/ 22/K20 Alfonzo IR 8999/ 716/1FN Aliff PA 8999/ 849/069 GENTEXT/REMARKS/1. For more information and career counseling, call DSN: 278-9241 or commercial (703) 784-9241 or 1-800-833-2320. The above zone contains Marines who have previously received consideration in the promotion zone and failed selection. 12.e.2. The most expeditious means of obtaining and viewing the OMPF and MBS is through OMPF online via Marine Online (MOL). 1799 14 20160401 20060313 20170301 20060821 20171201 NA Bucinski JS 7212/ 811/1A5 Buehner CR 7291/ 437/1L2 Questions regarding MOS allocations, zones, and AFADBD cutoffs should be addressed to CMC (MPP-20), DSN: 278-9361 or Comm: (703) 784-9361. Weaver WK 0491/ 202/1FN Weiss RE 0699/ 404/T34 7242 5 20151201 NA 20171201 20030825 20171201 20050523 2. Perez LA 6019/ 68/VLB Perez NO 2891/ 289/1QB Metzner DK 8412/ 671/968 Meyer KJ 8412/ 695/A02 0231 20 20141101 20030203 20160701 NA 20161201 20040621 Bianchi BA 5821/ 482/026 Bishop II PW 2691/ 710/029 Marines who have previously been selected for promotion and refused to accept the appointment will not be considered. Williams ME 6591/ 255/S6C Williams PA 5811/ 345/014 Paulk WB 8999/ 690/1PV Perez CA 8999/ 789/V31 Basantes CM 8999/ 463/1JE Behlman BE 8999/ 578/1YB Capko NM 5811/ 69/1SG Carpenter DL 0111/ 188/16D Prior Service Consideration. Warrant Officer Selection Board results for July 2021. a. Q-S Fully Qualified Select: 1) The below named individuals were selected to attend the Warrant Officer Candidate School (WOCS). Marines may submit communications via U.S. Mail, priority or next day mail, or fax. December 2, 2020 milmedia. Personal correspondence to the President of the board must be submitted under cover letter with the update material as enclosures (a sample cover letter is available at the Enlisted Promotions home page), Marines are personally responsible for ensuring CMC (MMPR-2) has physically received update material before 2359, EDT on 9 April 2021 and may verify receipt of the material sent to the President of the board via the Enlisted Promotions home page or by contacting CMC (MMPR-2). 6842 5 20170401 NA 20180301 NA 20181001 NA Our double-wide garages are also available in a pine board and batten siding just like our horse barns! Watkinson RR 0491/ 572/116 Watson JD 6391/ 291/1JX Paragraph 5200.3b of reference (b) provides specific language that must be contained in the opening paragraph of the Marine's statement. Daniels JW 7236/ 448/1QH Davilmar N 5524/ 56/122 It is imperative that documents submitted to CMC (MMRP-20) for inclusion in the OMPF within 60 days of a selection board be conspicuously marked "Contains Documents For The FY 2021 Gunnery Sergeant Selection Board". Bennetch BC 4821/ 640/1RT Berrios Jr A 6391/ 258/G91 Marines are advised to ensure that course completion information is included in their Official Military Personnel File (OMPF). 13.b.2.e. 13.b. Bays CH 5993/ 813/1PM Beaulieu JJ 6391/ 274/1JV Using neighborhood newspaper presses, we take great patterns and print them on 100% recyclable and compostable newsprint. Anchondo J 6391/ 180/1J0 Anderson IC 2659/ 430/116 0231 33 20170401 20100412 20180501 NA 20181201 NA See more ideas about funny birthday invitations, birthday invitations, invitations.Size: 5" x 7". Eisenzimmer KR 0211/ 2/TAW Elizondo IE 6591/ 88/V6A 6173 6173 6174 6174 6176 6176 6288 6288 6314 6314 6316 6316 Brown AW 8999/ 851/V8B Brown BT 8999/ 771/J34 Hunter A 0211/ 6/115 Hurja CN 3537/ 329/SN3 7.a.11. 0261 1 20160901 NA 20140201 NA NA NA . milper message 21-154, enlisted to medical degree preparatory program (emdp2) army board requirements 2022 matriculating class. Martinez CR 7051/ 395/JAH Martinez H 3051/ 251/J15 Lowe JE 1391/ 340/023 Lozano AJ 0491/ 794/1MZ Hager NF 8999/ 738/1R4 Harmon ML 8999/ 707/124 MSGID/GENADMIN/CMC WASHINGTON DC MRA MM// Lentz ML 2336/ 12/152 Lesterick ME 2336/ 820/091 Vonraesfeld TJ 0393/ 396/1GF Wagner BM 3043/ 158/15J Marines who believe they should be considered eligible for the below zone by virtue of prior service, per paragraph 3202 of reference (d), must submit a request for prior service consideration with required source documents to CMC, Manpower Management Promotion Branch, Enlisted Promotions Section (MMPR-2) no later than 2359, EDT on 19 April 2021. Cottongim MJ 8999/ 635/078 Covell JJ 8999/ 505/VLB 7.a.7. 13.b.2.b. e. 3529 37 20161001 20070612 20171001 20070717 20171001 20090921 Are identified below Curotto EG 0861/ 204/1NF the MBS is a tool and not... 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