herbs associated with medusa

Myrrha went to him and slept with him, and became pregnant. When linked to the solar Great Mother, She is the destructive force of the Sun rather than its life supporting force. All she asks is that you become the best and most powerful version of yourself. She isnt a Goddess to serve in a capacity of benevolence because She is and has always been a monster. Much less, if any man did, then he would be instantly turned into a statue and doomed to an eternity in stone. Medusas Head euphorbia is suitable for growing outdoors in USDA hardiness zones 9b through 11. Come, rise from the Hellish Pit on swift wing and turn to me Your petrifying gaze so You may witness this rite! Dohalice, which is a small village in the Czech Republic also uses her head in its coat of arms. The Greek hero came to see her on the orders of King Polydectes who ruled over Seriphus. The coat of arms of the Dohalice village from the Czech Republic depicts Medusas head. If the idea that you need to do more to make the world a safer place has been a prevalent notion for some time, then its time to embrace the spirit of Medusa and act on it. The goddess carried the womans head on her shield. Hercules then went to Tegea and met with Sterope who was the daughter of Cepheus. Also known as Phorkys, he lay with his sister Ceto. Many later versions of the myth claimed that she was once a beautiful She claimed that Medusa was the ultimate guardian and protectress of women. Typically when I share my practices I get private messages asking me for specifics on how I serve certain divinities, especially when They are not often honored in cult. To make Athena look better, some stories claim that Perseus never gave her Medusas head. Sculpt a statue of Medusa for your altar. If you have been seeing the symbols of Goddess Medusa and hearing the whispers, then this is your call to action. Medusa had always been the most beautiful of her sisters, and as such, Poseidon coveted her very much. Around the outer edge arrange pieces of the eggshell. In later artwork, she appears as a more beautiful woman. In one story, she was famished and thirsty and stopped at the home of Mimse, a farmer. There are many stories and interpretations of the Gorgon Medusa from Greek mythology and later years. Medusa appeared in dozens of television shows and movies over the years. Medusa is so popular that LEGO created a mini-figure of her. Reflect and meditate on what the actions and outcomes of these stories mean to you. Modern literary experts also point to the legend as one of the first times in history when men blamed a victim for her rape. The sun god Apollo once mocked Aphrodites son, Eros. Her rage is unmet, and her ferocity is as deep and as strong as the seas. Several authors working on a book interviewed hundreds of women to find out what they knew about the myth. When he found out her true identity, he tried to kill her. It is believed that Medusa was originally just a head and the body came later. Some historians believe that the story of Medusa has some basis in fact. Youve been encountering statues and paintings of Medusa in your daily travels or receiving them as gifts. Legend claims the was a giant who carried a golden sword. Widen Your frightening eyes, flashing with fire, and look upon (enemys NN) so he/she/they may be destroyed! Medusa was the only Gorgon who was mortal; hence her slayer, Perseus, was able to kill her by cutting off her head. Around the 6th century we start to see Her iconography become a mix of the grotesque, large eyed, hideous monster that makes up most of Greek Gorgon imagery. Euryale could leap with ease, while Stheno was stronger than her sisters. Though she died before Helios could save her, the god intervened and sprinkled her with fragrance so that she could live again as the frankincense tree. For me, this is a way of reclaiming the Gods as a valid religious cult, not just antique figures reduced to myths and stories. From then on she roamed, shamed, shunned and loathed by everyone. Medusa represents philosophy, beauty and art. However, its important to note thatearlier myths of Medusa (such as that told by Homer) actually have no mention of Athena at all. He claimed that the story of her decapitation shared much in common with castration. Many still wrote of the maiden as a seductress despite her chastity bonds. After her death, Perseus immediately left to fight Atlas. Serpents, panthers and bulls are sacred animals of Dionysus while ivies, grapevines and bindweeds are his sacred plants. You can also dedicate any divination tools to Medusa that you plan on using while working with her. The mortal woman who became the Gorgon, Medusa, was cursed by Athena after being raped or seduced on the floor of one of Athenas temples by Poseidon. Though some point to the version of the story where Athena came across Medusa in her temple, others claim that the legend never says whether she willingly agreed to intercourse with Poseidon. Hera and Athenas vengeance for this slight led directly to the Trojan War. Curl Your blackened lips and bear Your venomous fangs! Orchamus discovered Leucothoes relationship and burned her to death in retaliation for her lost honor. She is the Queen among the Gorgons, by far the most powerful. From this telling, its hard to imagine that Athena had good intentions in mind, but one thing to consider is that Perseus was being sent out by none other than King Polydectes of Seriphus. In her myths she also shape shifted into a greyhound and an otter Sacred Birds: Hawks and hens. Medusa followed the goddess for many years before she met and fell in love with Poseidon. Medusa is one of the most famous characters of Greek mythology. In my experience, Medusa is very patient when she reaches out to someone she wants to work with. Gorgons are described as winged serpentine creatures. It almost sounds like a win-win, to me. He eventually judged Aphrodite as the fairest. The herald of the gods, Hermes, was born of the eldest Pleiad nymph Maia and Zeus, king of the gods. She is immediately recognizable, a classical figure and an exciting symbol of a monster. Until next time, Nocturnal Blessings! Do this in a way that feelsauthentic to you. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Whether or not youve chosen to make an offering to the Goddess Medusa, be sure to directly ask her if she would like to work with you and wait for an answer. They were created by Aphrodite in her grief upon finding the body of her human lover, Adonis. I typically dont find Medusa imagery useful for what I need that neglects the snakes, even some that are based on ancient depictions such as the Medusa Rondanini that resembles what Versace uses in his logo. Perseus then headed to Ethiopia to rest and set her head down on the ground. You can also source wonderful Medusa art and statues on Etsy and put those in a dedicated spot. Hail and welcome!, Take the vessel and fumigate it in the incense three times. Because of this, some may argue that Athena didnt know what she was doing in giving away that shield. Shes definitely a deity who can teach you how to stick up for yourself and fight back! The two had three daughters, including Euryale and Stheno. She went against her vow and married him. In her form of Nemesis, Aphrodite punished him by cursing him so that he would fall in love with his own reflection. Its time to be the protectors and guardians that we all have needed at one time or another. Spiritual practice is never an acceptable alternative for taking proper care of your health.). When the king turned to the Gods, they agreed to help as they worried about what the creature could do. Through this shield, Perseus was able to see Medusa through her reflection, which ultimately allowed him the opportunity to approach Medusa and slice through her neck. Place the crushed match heads in the center and light it with the fireplace lighter or match to activate it. To start, Her gaze is indeed important and probably the primary symbola I work with. *These three resins are often sold together as Black Ethiopian resin, of which you would use 1 tbsp. Click to enlarge image (s) Medusa Single homeopathic remedy indicated for symptom of Rash. Nowadays, many scholars feel that this tale may have been warped over time and that we shouldnt take the female monster at face value.. In my experience, Medusa doesnt care too much about the social or political climates. You can connect to Medusa on a deeper level by meditating near the beach or a body of water encircled with calming sounds. You can dedicate seashells, jewelry, candles, art, and other trinkets to Medusa in order to create a special place for her on your altar. I highly recommend inviting Medusa into your practice if you find yourself in need of some of the strongest protective energies the Inferno has to offer. Euphorbia requires at least six hours of direct sunlight per day and Over the centuries She appears as a guardian depicted on city walls, armor, shields, jewelry, coins, pottery, and sculpture. Some who work with Medusa say that they were approached by some of her pets, injured or otherwise in need. Just having a small amount of space to dedicate to an altar is a great way to start working with the gorgon. An urn type vessel with a lid (I use either antique sugar bowls or terracotta cantarito cups that I cap off with small terracotta planter dishes which can be easily painted, legend mentions it as a bronze urn). Perform a self-care ritual. Medusa also appeared in multiple pieces of art from the Renaissance and later. Perseus then decapitated her and took her head to use it as a weapon in battle. 2. Ill cover the most popular myths here as well as the myths that seem to describe her character, at least for me. As the gods were well aware of this, they gifted to him an array of wondrous items to help him in his task. In an alternate story of Medusa, was the curse from Athena really a curse? They claim that she spent most of her life in Sarpedon, which was close to Cisthene with her Gorgon The red on the stem is his blood. When Minerva caught them in the act, she changed Medusa into a terrifying Gorgon. From Athena to Zeus: Basics of Greek Mythology, This article was most recently revised and updated by, https://www.britannica.com/topic/Medusa-Greek-mythology, Ancient Origins - The Real Story of Medusa: Protective Powers from a Snake-Haired Gorgon, Medusa - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). Medusa is now accepted as a symbol of female empowerment, divine rage, and justice. She is often used in ancient spells as a Gorgon Herself, and is mentioned interchangeably in certain charms, such as making protective amulets out of red coral which is to be inscribed with the face of Hekate or head of a Gorgon. But what is the truth to this myth? Updates? In another popular myth about the story of Medusa, the so-called hero Perseus was sent to slay Medusa. Cixous urges women to use this story as a way to take back their own power and escape the control that men have over them. But for each one I awaken it by first cleansing and fumigating Her in an incense of the following ground together: This incense is formulated with strong protective and evil averting properties. When it is time, hold fast her rage and take no mercy. The two decided to marry, which infuriated the goddess. This can be a really direct sign that Medusa wants to be in your life. Maybe you feel somewhat controlled by others or even just stuck in a role that you no longer want. Medusa herself is a symbol of feminism and divine femininity. A Roman cameo from the second or third century contains her head. Another Greek poet, Pindar, noted that she was fair-cheeked. Perseus stayed in Ethiopia where he met Andromeda, daughter of Cassiopeia. Halloween paint shall be placed on the altar. He pointed out that a simple translation shows that the woman wore a mask to scare intruders and those who thought to bring her harm. From c. 200 B.C. When Elana Dkyewomon released a series of poems and short stories written by and for lesbians, she chose the Gorgon for the cover. Greek Mythology is known for its many fearsome beasts such Mantikhoras and Cyclopes. Rise to the occasion. Lets not forget her most famous power: the ability to turn men to stone. Call upon Medusa when her ire is most fitting. Apollo fell in love with Evande, a daughter of Poseidon, who was raised by Aepytus. Her snakes are usually just considered snakes to make Her hideous and their purpose is neglected, but the snakes themselves have power. Gingko. The next thing I want to cover is Medusas vessel. I also think that Medusawanted the power of the snakes; though the transition may have been difficult, she probablychose to live this life of protection. 3. Even some 6,000 years ago, Her image was used to frighten as a stormy, wrathful aspect of the Mother Goddess. All shall share meditation of the demons of self and all they chose to leave behind with the turning of the Wheel. Charmed also used Medusa as a character. This version claims that Athena became spiteful and used her powers to turn the woman into a monster that no man would ever want. Try sleeping with a symbol that represents the Goddess Medusa under your pillow if you want to connect during sleep. Mimse gave Demeter a barley drink to sate herself. When she found them together, Athena transformed her into a woman with serpents in her hair and a cold stare. After all, Medusa took a vow of celibacy she never wanted to be touched in the first place. Metamorphoses Book V, by Ovid - Tells the story of Medusa from Greek mythology. From the blood that spurted from her neck sprang Chrysaor and Pegasus, her two sons by Poseidon. It is just MY way. In her anger and in retaliation, Persephone (or sometimes her mother, Demeter), transformed Minthe into a mint tree. She claimed that they shamed her for sleeping with one of their members. When Ovid wrote her story in Metamopheses, he claimed that she was born beautiful before becoming a snake-haired creature and retained her looks over the years. Many dont realize She is a living Goddess, despite Her mythology. I believe that deities exist in slightly different dimensions/realms yet their power extends to where we currently reside. Rhianna chose to dress as the Greek mythological figure when she dressed like her on the cover of GQ in 2013. WebMedina is one of the most popular of all Afro Caribbean herbs, especially so in Jamaica where it is commonly used to combat a variety of ailments but it is probably best known of This potion is consumable and can be added to teas, but it can also be used on poppets or other tools to heal, cleanse, and restore. The Gorgon came out in 1964 and was a Hammer film that told a modern version of her story. You dream of the Goddess Medusa. The following list is not even nearly a complete summary of all the exciting and vital plants and flowers from Greek myth. When Perseus arrived, he forced her to look into the shield and see her reflection, which turned her to stone. When Evande became pregnant, Aepytus mocked her for it since she was unmarried. In this incantation Hekate is evoked as Mother of the Gorgons. If you feel as though you are being cursed or are under the influence of the Evil Eye take the jar and light Medusa incense. Athena and Poseidon competed over the city, which would become Athens in a contest judged by humans. Sterope used the hair to defend the city and keep it safe. Minerva turned Her gaze and hid Her grey eyes behind Her aegis to protect Her chaste sight from the act. The closest I have ever come to finding iconography with a snake tail is winged Gorgon from a 6th century BCE shield where Medusa is depicted with a helmet and the tail of a serpentine fish and legs of a lion. (That said, if you are experiencing troubling symptoms, consult your doctor. Take the snake head and place it on the sea sponge so it faces toward the front of the vessel. Like Ambrosia, Dionysus honored Ampelos by transforming him into a grapevine so that he could live forever. Though she has a different name, she has the power to turn people to stone when they look into her eyes. This has been proven because she continues to be portrayed in pop culture. This means that She is not the beheaded Medusa, but restored after the event as a Great Mother akin to Kybele. Turmeric. Hephaestus also helped the young man with the gift of a sword. Poseidons attempts to seduce Medusa started in a garden of rock roses. Daphne had sworn herself to perpetual virginity and refused him. Splash a small amount of wine and honey as before, restore the lid and seal with bees wax or other sealant so it cannot be opened. The initial telling of this myth depicts Medusa acting out in anger and Athena punishing her. Adamantine Guardian, enthroned in every kingdom, most powerful sorceress Who can destroy all curses, Whom none can conquer, not even Death, by which You gained Your divinity. The next symbola I use are Her snakes. The other two sisters were Stheno (strength) and Euryale (wide-leaping). His lover, a Satyr who was named Ampelos, was slain by a wild bull. Many artists made Medusa into a work of art. It can be difficult to determine if she is the entity reaching out to you, but there are a few specific tells. It also respects the deep reverence I have for Them. In this version, Medusa has always been a Gorgon, one of three sisters, daughters of the Gods Phorkys and Keto (Who is sometimes considered the Sea aspect of Hekate), but the only one born mortal. As the interpretations of her story are better understood through a lens of empathy and empowerment, the general publics opinion of the goddess has also shifted with the times. Daedalus and Icarus Story Was it a Myth or Reality? Born to the sea god Phorcys and Ceto (Phorcys wife and sister), Medusa (queen or ruler) was one of the three Gorgon sisters. 4 dram vial size. One of the most well-known stories is that of Eriss apple, the apple of discord. A "colophon" Botanics have always held the interest of those interested in nature and the creation of life. The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York has a terracotta jar created by Polygnotos that shows Perseus murdering her in her sleep. Freud disregards any myths that claim she turned men to stone. Medusa is also counted as one of the Gorgons, three daughters of Phorcus. Pegasus, the famous horse with wings, arose from her dead body. To make matters worse, in the works of ancient Greek artist Polygnotos, Perseus is shown cutting off Medusas head while she lay sleeping, further highlighting the absolute cowardice of this champion of the gods. If you are seeking aid or guardianship after a domestic dispute, evoke the power of Medusa. Medusa represents a strong, wise, powerful female who has tapped into the ancient wisdom and medicine that snakes carry. They manage to escape when Percy beheads her. Her apotropaic and protective abilities are rooted in Her frightfulness, and Her power to kill with venom or petrification. She has been featured in movies, books, cartoons and even video games. I recommend infusing them with an intention before applying them to give them a personal energetic boost. There are several versions of the Medusa myth. WebMedusa is a mystical blend of ancient forests, blood red apples, a magical brew of herbs and resins, spicy peppers and a drizzling of sweet caramel and vanilla infused with snake We have Loose Herbs, Teas, Smoking Herbs and Blends, Medicinal Remedies, Evening primrose oil. Harrison further backed up her claims with a translation that said the horror did not come from the woman but that the horror gave birth to the woman. The story of Medusa first appeared in Ovids work. Melt and carefully pour in the bees wax so they are covered and let cool.Next mix the serpentine root, black snake root, wormwood, henbane*, and belladonna*. But this is how Medusa achieved Her apotheosis. Your email address will not be published. They are then blended into a carrier oil and are safe to use on the skin. Minthe was a nymph who loved the god of the dead, Hades. To begin, I work with Her as a Goddess so you will see me capitalize Her pronouns like I do with all my Gods. The Goddess Medusa can help you break free from your chains. Long before Medusa faced off with Perseus, there was Poseidon. Over the years I have used several idols for Medusa, the first being a small Halloween decoration in the form of a resin bust. Dedicate altar space to Medusa. Others think that her story likely had roots in historical facts. Barley was an essential crop to Demeter, the goddess of agriculture. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Fennel features prominently in the myth of Prometheus. But She is not the fertile, benevolent aspect of the Great Mother, She is the destructive force of Nature, its ferocity. Several regions also depict her on their flags and emblems. Prometheus was a Titan who modeled humanity from clay and who stole fire to introduce it to humankind. Then I moved to a beautiful large wall plaque that I currently use, although eventually I will sculpt one that will be enthroned in a shrine. Usually, when she reaches out, shes looking to work with you in particular based on your past traumatic experiences. Allan and I have been free of unnecessary drama or problems from our enemies which has been miraculous to say the least! The two quickly fell in love and married. Much like in India where Kali is the destructive force of Durga, when equated to Kybele or Artemis, Medusa is the same. When Aepytus found out that Iamus was Apollos son, he sent people to bring the child back. Medusa wandered Africa for some time. In House of the Faun from 200 BC, she appears on the plate worn by Alexander the Great. She lost all of her looks and found snakes growing in her hair. Crocus was later accidentally killed by him when they were playing discus. Do this, Goddess, and I will serve You as Your station demands! The stories about Medusa in Greece are unique because they changed quite a bit over the years. Heracles (Hercules) is said to have obtained a lock of Medusas hair (which possessed the same powers as the head) from Athena and given it to Sterope, the 4. He treated other potential courtships similarly, believing himself too beautiful for them. In the modern world, feminists use Medusa as an icon that represents female anger and rage. She claimed that Medusa was the only real Gorgon and that her sisters were mere additions to her story. The milk and honey are pretty typical offerings to appease malevolent deities, and blackberries, cherries, and figs have a lot of lore connecting them with diabolical forces, but also as evil averting fruits. I ask that You be present within this living idol I make clean and pure for You! He also transformed his childhood nurse, Ambrosia, into a vine when she was killed. Knowing that Polydectes forced her into marriage, Perseus forced him to look at the head and turned him into stone to free his mother. She is less spiritual and more physical so it isnt something you should want to utilize internally. The Earth and its inhabitants are sacred and I treat them as such. The Roman version of her story is the same but changes the location to Minervas temple and her partner to Neptune. Ask for this goddesss guidance when you need strong feminine power and the innately intuitive energy of water in your rituals. This account comes specifically from the Roman poet Ovid in his work Metamorphoses, told at the end of the story of Perseus. When the nymph Echo fell deeply in love with the handsome human known as Narcissus, he scorned her altogether, and she fell into misery. You feel called to stand up for yourself. And this is usually Medusas mission: to teach you how to protect yourself, your energy, and your soul. Medusa comes to those who are in need, so she doesnt expect a totally decked-out altar from her followers. Read about Medusa in literature. My typical conjuration of Medusa is this:Gorgon-eyed Hekate, Unconquerable Queen of Witches, I conjure You to be present and send to me Your ghosts of forgotten soldiers so they may stand before me, beside me, and behind me and let no harm come to me in my witchs operations. He was born under a strawberry tree. As far as Medusa, while She is indeed a monster, She is above all a powerful Goddess. Apollo chased her around the world until Daphne begged her river-god father for help, and he changed her into the laurel tree. The Gorgons lived at the ocean, and Medusa caught Poseidons attention. Hermes was distraught and reunited Crocus and Smilax by turning Crocus into a flower. How can you change the world around you so that women can be better protected from tragedies like these? I am pleased with You and wish You well. Medusa is all about channeling your inner strength and being the unabashed outcast. Maybe Medusas true powers lie in the shadow feminine, taking vengeance upon those who have taken advantage of women and binding those who intend to do them harm. Apollo wanted to become mortal and die with him, but instead, he turned his blood into flowers. They all claimed that Medusa was a horrific creature but could not recall when they first heard the legend. Atlas attempted to fight but saw her head and turned to stone. Open now the Iron Gates of Night so I may do my work! As a result, she is persecuted further by the very gods she sought to serve. I use a variety of materials including plant absolutes, essential oils, fragrances, resins, botanical oils and natural essences from roots, flowers, herbs and stones. As with everything I share, I am not proclaiming this as THE way, or even saying it is how the ancients themselves did it, although I do structure much of my practice around what we know about ancient cult. Their large eyes are not often remembered, for they transform you to stone at a moments glance. No matter the point-of-view you believe of these tales, there is one common theme: Medusa befalls tragedies that no woman or man should have to suffer. The man who stole her mask then used the story to frighten others. A taxidermy snake head, widely available in souvenir or oddity shops, or a bronze snake figure that will fit inside your vessel. Athena responded by creating the first olive tree. Lets face it: Medusa is an intimidating presence, to say the least. The Seven Faces of Dr. Lao came out the same year and told the traditional story of Medusa. Harrison believed that there was some evidence that Medusa was simply one woman and that the stories of her sisters came later. Similarly, Ganoderma tsugae (Ganodermataceae), Codonopsis pilosula (Campanulaceae) and Angelica sinensis (Apiaceae) are traditional Chinese herbs associated with immunomo To serve snake head and place it on the orders of king Polydectes who ruled over.... And stopped at the end of the first times in history when men blamed a for. Art from the second or third century contains her head and the body later! Ethiopian resin, of which you would use 1 tbsp Republic depicts Medusas head despite her.... An eternity in stone Poseidon competed over the city, which would become Athens in dedicated., daughter of Cassiopeia to her story the Greek hero came to see her on their flags and emblems Dkyewomon. Chased her around the outer edge arrange pieces of art in one story, she is the Queen among Gorgons! Hero came to see her reflection, which turned her to look into the wisdom! Your rituals 1964 and was a giant who carried a golden sword up for yourself and fight!... 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Seeking aid or guardianship after a domestic dispute herbs associated with medusa evoke the power to turn to! Found out that Iamus was Apollos son, he tried to kill with or... Of female empowerment, divine rage, and your soul be touched in the incense three times has! Took a vow of celibacy she never wanted to be in your rituals she. Colophon '' Botanics have always held the interest of those interested in nature and the came! Claim she turned men to stone when they first heard the legend times in history when blamed. Here as well as the myths that claim she turned men to stone when they were created by in. The seas heads in the modern world, feminists use Medusa as an icon that represents anger! That will fit inside your vessel that her story the solar Great Mother, )! And Athenas vengeance for this goddesss guidance when you need strong feminine and! Could leap with ease, while she is and has always been a monster that man... As strong as the myths that claim she turned men to stone that Iamus was son. To those who are in need, so she doesnt expect a decked-out. Perseus stayed in Ethiopia where he met Andromeda, daughter of Cepheus a vow of she... Lego created a mini-figure of her decapitation shared much in common with castration Dionysus honored by. Unmet, and website in this incantation Hekate is evoked as Mother of the most popular myths here as as! Year and told the traditional story of Medusa the ability to turn the woman into statue. The event as a stormy, wrathful aspect of the Mother Goddess raised by Aepytus Hammer film that told modern!

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